Hi there! Here is a short review of English tenses. Click on the links if you want to learn more.
Present Simple Every day - When do you get up? / Tom usually eats lunch at home.
Present Continuous Now - She's watching TV at the moment. / I'm not working, I'm reading a newspaper.
Past Simple Yesterday - They went on vacation last July. / Where did you meet Tim?
Past Continuous Yesterday, at X o'clock They were watching TV at 5 o'clock yesterday. / What were you doing when he came home?
Present Perfect Since / For - I've lived here a long time. / Have you ever seen that film?
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect I've lived here for many years. vs. I lived there before I moved to New York.
Present Perfect Continuous Since / For + Time - We've been working since 8 this morning. / What has she been doing recently?
Past Perfect Already - They had already eaten when she arrived. / Had you finished the report by the time he asked for it?
Future with Will Tomorrow, Next week - We'll get together next week. / Will you be able to come tomorrow?
Future with Going to Tomorrow, Next year, semester, etc. - They're going to study Russian next semester. / Where are you going to stay?
Future Perfect By, By the time - I'll have finished by the time he arrives. / Will you have done the work by six?
Future Continuous At X o'clock, This time next year, month, week / What will you be doing this time next year? - She'll be working tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
Conditional Forms If questions - What would you do if you had enough time? / If she is in town, she'll come to the meeting.
Alternate Conditional Forms
Modal Forms Asking Permission, Giving Advice, etc. - May I help you? / He should see a doctor.
Modal Verbs of Probability Stating guesses - He must have stayed at home today. / She might be downstairs.
Present Continuous Now - She's watching TV at the moment. / I'm not working, I'm reading a newspaper.
Past Simple Yesterday - They went on vacation last July. / Where did you meet Tim?
Past Continuous Yesterday, at X o'clock They were watching TV at 5 o'clock yesterday. / What were you doing when he came home?
Present Perfect Since / For - I've lived here a long time. / Have you ever seen that film?
Past Simple vs. Present Perfect I've lived here for many years. vs. I lived there before I moved to New York.
Present Perfect Continuous Since / For + Time - We've been working since 8 this morning. / What has she been doing recently?
Past Perfect Already - They had already eaten when she arrived. / Had you finished the report by the time he asked for it?
Future with Will Tomorrow, Next week - We'll get together next week. / Will you be able to come tomorrow?
Future with Going to Tomorrow, Next year, semester, etc. - They're going to study Russian next semester. / Where are you going to stay?
Future Perfect By, By the time - I'll have finished by the time he arrives. / Will you have done the work by six?
Future Continuous At X o'clock, This time next year, month, week / What will you be doing this time next year? - She'll be working tomorrow at 10 o'clock.
Conditional Forms If questions - What would you do if you had enough time? / If she is in town, she'll come to the meeting.
Alternate Conditional Forms
Modal Forms Asking Permission, Giving Advice, etc. - May I help you? / He should see a doctor.
Modal Verbs of Probability Stating guesses - He must have stayed at home today. / She might be downstairs.